Help me grow!
- A native to Africa, this plant is strong, grows very quickly and represents upright growth, nobility, and flexibility. It also has a hollow stem, which represents an open, humble heart.
- Grows well in bright filtered sunlight as direct sunlight scorches my plain droopy green leaves.
- While growing me in water, be sure to change the water every two to four weeks.
- Thrive even when housed in pebbles, as long as there is at least an inch of water at all times.
- When planted in soil, make sure the container has good drainage. Water me frequently, but ensure the soil doesn’t get waterlogged.
- Sensitive to chlorine present in tap water, so I prefer only bottled or distilled water.
- Prefer warmer temperatures so avoid placing me near cold air drafts or air conditioners.
- Toxic to kids and pets.
- How do you take care of the fertilization of the plant?
A single drop of liquid fertilizer every month keeps me happy. Special lucky bamboo fertilizers for soil are also available. - How can one take care of pest control?
Washing me with mild liquid dish soap and then rinsing thoroughly helps to remove bugs such as mites and aphids and even takes care of moldy spots.
Lucky Bamboo Plant - 3 Layer
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such a good plant